Quarterly academic journal Ethics Review had a cover story about the term “trigger warning” and its effect on universities nationwide. Primarily used by millennial media outlets and blogs, the cautionary phrase made its way into undergrad and even grad level syllabi.

For the entirety of my time at Nordstrom, a large push was made to bring their web brand presence up to par with mobile and tablet standards. The tablet application was my responsibility and only a small portion of a brand overhaul initiative.
The decision was made to test the possibilities of brand execution on a spectrum from 1 to 5. 1 being little to no change in their communication and web brand guidelines and 5 being a complete reorganization and update of previous styles.
Versions 3 to 5 are shown.
With an increasing disconnect from the previous renditions of the mobile app distinct attention was paid to categorical navigation allowing for department specific entry.

I was on the team responsible for the optimization and update of the e-mail marketing templates. I was the primary advisor and technical capability consultant advising on issues of mobile usability, usage stats, and optimization techniques. Though I had done previous work with both e-mail marketing and mobile techniques working within the parameters of the simplified HTML required for marketing e-mails proved to be an educational experience in design problem-solving. The result of which was a much more streamlined creative process as well as a more directed marketing strategy by segmenting the demographics and greatly increasing the specificity of appeal for each individual customer.
The leftmost image shows the previous email template. This template was not responsive and had no capability for dynamically populated content.